Archive for June 2009

Bahasa Kita, edisi perdana ^_^

Segmen: Bahasa Kita
*Penggunaan kata “Aku” dan “Para”*

.......Akulah para pencariMu, ya Allah…......
Pasti Bujang Dare ngga asing kan dengan syair lagu itu? Well, well. Bagi yang sudah terbiasa mendendangkan lagu itu, pertemuan antara kata ‘para’ dan ‘aku’ barangkali sampai dengan detik ini masih saja dianggap lumrah, benar, dan tidak ada salah. Apalagi, kalo Bujang Dare adalah fans beratnya Ungu hehe. Mana mau ya idolanya dianggap melakukan kesalahan berbahasa.

Anyway, itulah yang terjadi pada kelompok music favorit *ato bukan* anak muda bernama Ungu ini. Tepat di bagian refrain, pencipta lagu ini melakukan kesalahan fatal. Bagaimana mungkin ‘aku’ yang dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia didefinisikan sebagai penulis atau pembicara *gak ada penyanyi ya hehe*, mengacu pada diri sendiri. Diri sendiri, berarti tunggal, ya keun? Bilang saja iya hehe. Akui saja bahwa Ungu, dalam lagu berjudul Para PencariMu ini sudah melakukan kesalahan dalam memilih kata. Mengapa salah?

Kalau saja kata ‘para PencariMu’ diganti menjadi ‘yang MencariMu’, atau kata 'aku' diganti menjadi 'kami', mungkin tidak akan ada bahasannya di sini. Namun, sayang sekali, ketika ‘aku’ disandingkan dengan ‘para’, maka dengan berat hati saya nyatakan bahwa sebuah kesalahanlah yang dilakukan oleh temanteman Ungu *aih, apakah mereka mau mengakui saya sebagai teman? Eheheh*. Oke, terlepas dari mau atau tidak mau Ungu menyebut saya sebagai teman, tapi saya mau mengabari temanteman bahwa kata ‘para’ dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia memiliki 5 makna berbeda. Apa saja?

1. pa•ra p kata penyerta yg menyatakan, pengacuan ke kelompok: -- tamu mulai berdatangan
2. pa•ra n karet; getah (perca): (per)kebun(an) --
3. pa•ra n, pa•ra-pa•ra n 1) anyaman bambu dsb tempat menaruh perkakas dapur; pagu; 2) rak untuk menjemur ikan; 3) rak atau jala untuk menaruh barang-barang (di kereta api)
4. pa•ra kp parasut
5. pa•ra n 1) prajurit dl kesatuan angkatan udara; 2) kesatuan angkatan udara

Nah, lihatlah makna kata ‘para’ nomor 1, Bujang Dare. Saya sangat yakin, makna dalam ‘para’ itulah yang dimaksud oleh temanteman Ungu.

Coba, sekarang saya tanya ke Bujang Dare, kepada siapa kata tersebut diacukan? Iyap, jika Bujang Dare menjawab kepada kelompok, maka jawaban Bujang Dare sangat tepat. Jadi, bisa terima kan kenapa saya ga terima ketika Ungu menyandingkan kata ‘aku’ dengan kata ‘para’ ?

Bacajuga bahasannya di blog dhz.
*agak sedikit berbeda loh, walopun intinya, yeah kuranglebih lah hoho*

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Penyiar yang (di)siar(kan)

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009 adalah siaran yang sedikit aneh untuk sayah. Semua bermula dari menulis. Ya, sekali lagi MENULIS. Yang membuat sayah berada di posisi aneh minggu ini *aih, berasa bawain Indonesia 10. Daaaaaan, posisi ketiga diisi oleh…:P*.

My Novel, a dream that cost a lot but it just worth…

Iyah, saya membuat sebuah novel. Kerjaan *atau hoby?* yang baru terwujudkan dalam bentuk BUKU sekarang. Judulnya Bukan Akhir Cerita. Heeeeeey, sayah dengar di belakang sana ada yang tereak : theea, itu judul lagu band indie kayaknya. Emang iya sodare2… lagu mereka a.k.a Tone Office emang sayah interpretasikan menjadi novel.
*melakukan tarian ala anak 5 tahun yang kesenangan* senang… riang….. sayah banyaaaaaaaaaaaag sekali di dukung radio kesayangan sayah ini *radio satu2nya yang buad sayah teteup semangad siaran walo pun lagi serak. Yang penting adah suara hag3*. Liad deh, sayah bisa majang web banner novel di sini... ….., dibikinin iklannya *yang bentar lagi naek*, sampe interview *nah, disini rasa ANEH itu terjadi*.
Minggu kemaren sayah on air bareng TO di primadona. Jam 12 selesai, sayah harus ceped2 ke ruangan sebelah untuk siaran bareng teteh Sisi di Setiap Perempuan. Calon Ibu yang lagi hamil muda ituh dengan nyantainya bilang : udaaaaaaaah, lanjud ajah di sini yak semuanya. Gantian jadi tamu. Setelah semua mengangguk ketika saya confirm, mulailah rasa ANEH itu terasa. Mulut ini harus ditahan-tahan untuk lebih DIEM. Menunggu ditanyain. Aiiiiiiiih, anehnyaaaaa… ditanya2in di program yang biasa dibawain…
Aneh aja pokoknya….

Sayah yakin kita semua punya mimpi. Selain sayah, baik kru Volare maupun semua yang membaca blog ini punya mimpi masing2… Sayah, adalah bagian dari orang2 yang punya rasa pesimis dalam mewujudkan mimpi. Disini, mimpi sayah adalah lewat MENULIS. Membuat yang ada di dalam kepala menjadi nyata. Bisa ‘dipegang’ semua orang. Bukan hanya orang terdekat sayah saja. Sampai akhirnya ada yang knock on my head. Ternyata, ketika kita memulai sesuatu, AKAN SELALU ada saja yang berkomentar tidak enak dan mengendurkan minat untuk maju perang itu *sayah berharap ada yang juga bisa merontokkan lemak. Jerry, bang indra, arien, bang jaka, sayah, dll bakalan berterima kasih*. Nggak salah kalo kita ‘mendengarkan’ mereka. Tapi kalo mo maju, yah anggap aja itu cambukan. Sayah, lagi2 adalah bagian dari orang2 yang sadar masih banyak kekurangan dalam mewujudkan mimpi. Novel sayah, sayah akui masih jauh dari SEMPURNA. Tapi sayah, -termasuk orang2 yang banyak membantu sampai akhirnya novel ini bisa terpegang- SANGAT BANGGA dan PUAS. Karena KAMI bisa mengalahkan RASA TAKUT itu. Setidaknya KAMI telah maju selangkah untuk menuju kesempurnaan…
Apalagi ternyata sayah sadar, kadangkala mewujudkan mimpi itu tidak gampang dan yeah, cost a lot untuk cover yang sayah mau nyeheheh…… ketika sayah mengajukan mimpi sayah dengan cover yang emboss, ada lidah untuk pembatas, spot UV. Tapi sayah boleh bangga, di Pontianak belum ada penulis yang bikin cover kayak sayah *tadinya mo nunjukin kalo sayah semangad dalam nulis novel, kok jadinya promo colongan…*
Semua bermula dari ‘dikit2 maen nulis’ kok. Di hape sayah, ada ajah tulisan2 ga jelas dari sayah. Di dalam tas, ada ajah kertas2 yang juga isinya tulisan ga jelas. Lagi seneng, susah, marah, nangis, nungguin orang di salon, antri tiket, kalo ada yang seru, pasti sayah komentarin dalam tulisan. Termasuk hal bodoh yang sayah lakukan kira-kira 2 taon lalu adalah nulis rasa kesalnya sayah di hape pas naek escalator waktu lagi marah ma orang yang ngajakin nonton tapi jalan duluan. Simple, tapi secara nggak sadar udah ngebuat sayah rajin nulis. Berhati2lah kalian kalo ketemu sayah dan tiba2 sayah mengetik di hape sayah. Karena mungkin, sayah sedang menuliskan tentang kalian :P.

Mari, kita wujudkan mimpi masing2. Percaya, kadang2 mimpi kita sent by universe *ala the secret*. Hey, jangan nggak percaya. Sayah bocorkan satu hal. Setiap pagi pergi kerja, sayah selalu ketemu pesawat pagi yang lewat di atas kepala. Setiap pagi pula sayah berkata dalam hati dan mengundang semesta untuk energy positif : suatu saat, sayah bakalan naek pesawat ituh lagi walo pun ga tau buat kemana. And know what??? It works, sebulan kemudian sayah ditugaskan ke Bali :D…
Jiyueno shoutai * l’arc~en~ciel mode on*
Tapi tolongggggggg, jangan tanyakan kenapa akhir2 ini blog sayah malah sepi. Berikanlah pandangan sinis pada FB yang sudah membuat sayah selingkuh…

//theea – ur love has given me wings….

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Ta'lim Annisa Off Air

Sangat berbeda betul hari ini!! Fantastis!! Just like a dream comes true, gituh... Mengapa hey kenapa? Karena hari ini Ta'lim Annisa seru betul. Hari lain juga seru siiih. Yang hari ini, widiiih betulbetul spesial, Bujang Dare.

Setelah sempat tertunda sekitar satu bulan, akhirnya dengan izin Allah SWT, Ta'lim Annisa Off Air bisa direalisasikan hari ini di Ozone Cafe. Uwm, Off Air kok tapi On Air ya tadi? Hehe, itu maksutnya Off Air tuh ga di studio Bujang Dare. Jadi, yeah seperti ekspose yang sudah sering diputar di Radio Volare, begitulah yang kami maksudkan melalui Kajian Off Air Ta'lim Annisa sore tadi.

Program hasil kerja sama antara Radio Volare dengan Dompet Ummat Pontianak ini berlangsung selama satu jam. Saya sama Ibu Program Director sudah nangkring di Ozone Cafe sejak pukul 3.30 sore, bersenangsenang sembari melihat kecantikan rahmat Allah SWT berupa titiktitik hujan yang luar biasa, Subhanallah indah betul loh sore tadi. Hujan yang cantik. Seperti kecantikan para muslimah yang kemudian ramai menyusul untuk ikutan Kajian Ta'lim Annisa Off Air bersama Bunda Misdah Jamras, S. Ag, M.Pd.

Tema yang diangkat di Ta'lim Annisa edisi Off Air *yang di relay sehingga On Air juga* perdana ini adalah: FITRAH PEREMPUAN. Hmm, sebuah tema yang menurut saya, akan jadi berkembang amat sangat luas. Dan terbukti, sejak dari pertama Bunda Misdah hadir menyampaikan pengantar materi, beribu macam pertanyaan muncul dari kepala saya, peserta Kajian yang lainnya, dan juga Dare Pontianak di rumah. Pertanyaan pertama muncul dari saya:
"Bunda, apakah menyalahi fitrah jika wanita sudah menikah, kemudian menunda untuk punya anak?"

Kemudian bermuncullanlah pertanyaan lain dari peserta kajian di Ozone Cafe, mulai dari pengaturan peran domestik dan publik dalam Islam, tugas dan kewajiban seorang Ibu untuk menyusui anaknya, bagaimana mengajak mu'alaf agar tertarik ikut pengajian, pemberian materi yang tepat guna untuk anak usia dini, sampai keluhan tentang seorang istri yang ingin menggunakan jilbab tapi tak dapat ridho dari suami. Sebuah kebanggaan tersendiri bagi Radio Volare dan Dompet Ummat karena peserta yang hadir lumayan ramai, bahkan datang dari jauh loh Bujang Dare, tepatnya Kelompok Pengajian Khairunnisa Perumnas IV Pontianak.

Tak ketinggalan, Dare Pontianak yang di rumah pun ikut mengajukan beragam pertanyaan. Ini dia beberapa sms yang masuk, yang membuat suasana yang disejukkan gerimis jadi begitu hangat:

Indah.bagaimana mengembalikan fitrah wanita pada masa sekarang ini dimana banyak wanita yg bekerja diluar rumah? Irma Ass,,bunda ima mw nanya ni"Gmn si crany mnjd seorg istri yg baik&shalehah spy qt sllu bsa mnjaga nma baik suami&kluarga?Makasi bunda.

Juliah ingin tanya bagaimana ciri2 wanita yg memegang fitrahnya,minta tips utk menjadi wanita yg teguh dgn fitrah utk mendpt ridho Allah SWT tks

TIKA .bunda sy mw nanya sy skr lg menyukai ikhwn tp sy tdk tw apakah sy udh siap u/ nikah or blm, skr sy lg kuliah smester 2 ,hal yg saya tkuti adlh sy mengtori hti dgn mencintai org yg blm halal bg sy, jdi sy skr hrus gmana?sdangkn skr sy msh mempunyai k2k yg membiayai kuliah sy n skr k2 msh blm nkh, . . .jd skr sy hrus bgaimana ?

i'in Assalam mualaikum wrahmatullahi wbk.., slmat sore bunda..,Saya mw tnya ni bunda, bgaimna dgn wnita yg tkut/tdk mw mnikah atau wanita it bersikap sprti pria(mnganggp driny sprti pria).., apakah it trmsuk haram dlm

fitrah wnita..?.

Yati mau tanya apakah wanita yg single parent yg menghdpi anak2 nya dpt diktgrikn keluar dri fitrah?tks

Nur mau tanya bunda bagaimana kiat agar wanita bisa menjadi super mom,balance antara dunia akhirat,hak dan kewjbn sebagai wanita?tq

Waktu satu jam betulbetul waktu yang kurang untuk kajian semenarik dan seseru sore tadi. Apalagi, ditambah dengan sajian pisang goreng srikaya yang enak dari Ozone Cafe. Itu juga kurang hehe.

Well yeah, Bujang Dare, khususnya Dare Pontianak. Kalau merasa rugi ga ikutan Kajian sore tadi, wajar kok ;) Yang pasti, kami mendoakan Dare Pontianak yang berkeinginan untuk ikutan kajian ini, semoga Allah karuniakan kelapangan waktu dan keringanan langkah untuk menghadiri Kajian TAO kami berikutnya. Berminat mendaftar? Silahkan kirim SMS Dare Pontianak dengan format TAO(spasi)Nama(spasi)usia(spasi)alamat dan kirim ke 08565000028. Mendaftarkan kelompok Pengajian Dare Pontianak juga boleh. Kami tunggu ya. Dan nantikan informasi Kajian TAO berikutnya.

Semoga Allah SWT selalu menaungi kita semua dengan kesempurnaan Rahmat dan HidayahNya. Amiin ya Rabb.

Salamu'alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

n.b. foto-foto lebih komplit kunjungi facebook Volare

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Lyric This Week (+ last week)

Week starting 28 May 2009

Arien's Record of The Week
Ratu Lebah - RAN

Kasihku kau telah membuatku
berangan jauh Ke awan
Ku terbang karena terpesona olehmu
Yang cantik rupawan

Walaupun cintaku ini tak semanis madu
Tapi hati ini kan selalu jadi milikku

Bila kau ratu lebah ku
Akankah ku jadi rajamu
Kan ku jaga cinta kita berdua
Untukmu selalu

Bila suatu hari nanti
Berdua kita kan pergi
Kan ku ajak kau terbang
Untuk menjemput mentari

Kuingin kau menjadi milikku selalu
tuk dekat dirimu dekat dengan hatiku
Dan takkan ku lepas sayang
Kau bagai sinar mentari
Bersinar di pagi hari
Terus berlari-lari
Dan ku kejar dirimu sayang

Dini's Record of The Week
Pretty Wings - Maxwell

Time will bring the real end of our trial
One day there'll be no remnants, no trace,
No residual feelings within you
One day you won't remember me.

Your face will be the reason I smile
But I will not see what I cannot have forever
I'll always love you.
I hope you feel the same.

Oh, you played me dirty, your game was so bad
You toyed with my affliction
Had to fill out my prescription,find the remedy
I had to set you free.

Away from me
To see clearly
The way that love can be
when you are not with me
I had to lead
I had to live
I had to leave
I had to love

If I can't have you
Let love set you free
To fly your pretty wings around.

Pretty wings, your pretty wings, your
Pretty wings. Pretty wings around.

I came wrong you were right
Transformed your love into like
Baby believe me, I'm sorry I told you lies.
I turned day into night
Sleep till I die a thousand times
Ah, I should've showed you
Better nights, better times
Better days, and I miss you more and more

If I can't have you
Let love set you free
To fly your pretty wings around.

Pretty wings, your pretty wings, your
Pretty wings. Pretty wings around.

Pretty wings, your pretty wings, your
Pretty wings. Pretty wings around

Jerry's Record of The Week
Caught in the Crowd - Kate Miller Heidke

There was a guy at my school when I was in high school
We'd ride side by side in the morning on our bicycles
Never even spoken or faced each other
But on the last hill we'd race each other

When we reached the racks we'd each go our own way
I wasn't in his classes, I didn't know his name
When we finally got to speak he just stared at his feet
And mumbled a sentence that ended with 'James'

I was young and caught in the crowd
I didn't know then what I know now
I was dumb, and I was proud
And I'm sorry
If I could go back do it again
I'd be someone you could call friend
Please please believe that I'm sorry

Sari's Record of The Week
Untukmu Terkasih - Iwan Fals

Kasih ketika hati rasa dan jiwa
Serta apa saja yang tersembunyi
Di dada ini mulai tergetar
Karena keindahan matamu
Karena kelembutan senyummu
Karena taburan kasihmu
Justru bayang hatimu sulit kurenggut
Sementara gelombang rindu
Gelombang kasih sayang terus mengalir
Bagai air di musim penghujan
Bagai gelombang samudra
Yang mengguncang pantai kehidupan

Kasih ini nyanyian cinta untukmu
Yang entah ada dimana kini
Biar engkau mengerti apa yang terjadi
Dalam hidupku

Kabut sunyi mulai merayap di hati
Bayangmu smakin sulit ku cari
Aku tak tahu harus berbuat apa
Angin dan burung-burung pun membisu
Ketika ku tanya tentangmu
Tentang getaran hatimu
Tentang apa saja yang bertalian dengan jiwamu

Sisi's Record of The Week
Chapter III: Nostalgic Mannerisms - The Fall of Troy

Never soon to see
I was a human being
Come out at night like animals
Come out to hunt like the cannibals
Never soon to be
The crowd stood to see
Everything is so dark now

Keep enclosed this one
Look into the sun
Can I keep it together now?
Can I even remember now?
The rays shooting down
They imitate the ground
Can you feel them burning now



[Enter the Siren]
"In the darkness of your mind
I'll stand by your side
And remove all your fear
I'll eat you alive my dear

But please don't be scared
Though you're caught in the snare
Through the cracks and the tears
A beacon from my stare"

Can you guide me home?
Blind as a bat
I cry like a cat
I'm losing all hope
In the darkness i can see things clear
Let me apologize for everything my dear''

Don't you think
That this can be
Something, more or less
Free from our torment and greed
We'll see

Oh my god I've gone so wrong!
Such a conflict in my soul
Tell my son tell my daughter
"Please remember your father"

Temi's Record of The Week
Her Diamonds - Rob Thomas

Oh what the hell she says
I just can't win for losing
And she lays back down
Man there's so many times
I don't know what I’m doin'
Like I don't know now

By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes
Says it's funny how the night
Can make you blind
I can just imagine
And I don't know what I’m supposed to do
But if she feels bad then I do too
So I let her be

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down

She sits down and stares into the distance
And it takes all night
And I know I could break her concentration
But it don't feel right

By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes

Sits down on the bed and starts to cry
And there's something less about her
And I don't know what I’m supposed to do
So I sit down and I cry too
And don't let her see

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down

She shuts out the night
Tries to close her eyes
If she can find daylight
She’ll be all right
She’ll be all right
Just not tonight

And she says oooh
I can't take no more
Her tears like diamonds on the floor
And her diamonds bring me down
Cuz I can't help her now
She’s down in it
She tried her best and now she can't win it's
Hard to see them on the ground
Her diamonds falling down

Tya's Record of The Week
The Planets Bend Between Us - Snow Patrol

The winters mar the earth
It's floor was frozen glass
You slip into my arms
And you quickly correct yourself
Your freezing speech bubbles
Seem to hold your words aloft
I want the smoky clouds of laughter
To swim about me forever more

I will race you to the waterside
And from the edge of ireland shout out loud
So they could hear it in america
It's all for you

The shells crack under our shoes
Like punctuation points
The planets bend between us
A hundred million suns and stars
The sea filled in this silence
Before you sank those words
And now even in the darkness
I can see how happy you are

I will race you to the waterside
And from the edge of ireland shout out loud
So they could hear it in a america
It's all for you

Veny's Record of The Week
No Surprises - Daughtry

I’ve practiced this for hours, gone round and round
And now I think that I’ve got it all down
And as I say it louder I love how it sounds
Cause I’m not taking the easy way out
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn’t have to give a reason why…

It’s no surprise I won’t be here tomorrow
I can’t believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we’ll find this was no surprise

It came out like a river once I let it out
When I thought that I wouldn’t know how
Held onto it forever just pushing it down
Felt so good to let go of it now
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn’t have to give a reason why

It’s no surprise I won’t be here tomorrow
I can’t believe that I stayed till today
There’s nothing here in this heart left to borrow
There’s nothing here in this soul left to say
Don’t be surprised when we hate this tomorrow
God know we tried to find an easier way
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we’ll find this was no surprise

Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that’s left your eyes
That’s why this comes as no, as no surprise

If I could see the future and how this plays out
I bet it’s better than where we are now
But after going through this, it’s easier to see the reason why

It’s no surprise I won’t be here tomorrow
I can’t believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we’ll find this was no surprise

Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that’s left your eyes
But I know in time we’ll find this was no surprise

Week starting 1 June 2009

Arien's Record of The Week
Menanti Cinta - Krisdayanti

sejak lama aku berdiri
dalam sepinya rongga hati
tak satu pun burung
mampu menjawab

hanya padaMu ku bertanya
lewat setiap sujudku ini
siapa kah nanti
cinta untukku

wahai penilai hati lihat batinku
nyaris bernanah karna luka tersayat
merana menantikan cinta dan kasih hidupku
rahasia itu hanya Kau yang tahu
namun aku tak mau jadi tuna cinta
tuntun hatiku dalam sabar menanti jodohku

rahasia itu hanya Kau yang tahu
namun aku tak mau jadi tuna cinta
namun harus ku ikhlaskan nasib cintaku padaMu

Dini, Sam, Tya & Venny's Record of The Week
New Divide - Linkin Park

I remembered black skies
the lightning all around me
I remembered each flash
as time began to blur
Like a startling sign
that fate had finally found me

And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason
to prove me wrong
to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross
the distance in your eyes

Give me reason
to fill this hole
connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide

There was nothing in sight
but memories left abandoned
There was nowhere to hide
the ashes fell like snow
And the ground caved in
between where we were standing

And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason
to prove me wrong
to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes
Across this new divide

In every loss
in every lie
In every truth that you'd deny
And each regret
and each goodbye
was a mistake to great to hide

And your voice was all I heard
That I get what I deserve

So give me reason
to prove me wrong
to wash this memory clean
Let the floods cross the distance in your eyes

Give me reason
to fill this hole
connect the space between
Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies
Across this new divide

Across this new divide
Across this new divide

Jaka's Record of The Week
Baby, I'm A Fool - Melody Gardot

How was I to know that this was always only just a little game to you?
All the time I felt you gave your heart I thought that I would do the same for you,
Tell the truth I think I should have seen it coming from a mile away,
When the words you say are,
"Baby I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall in love"

If I gave a thought to fascination I would know it wasn't right to care,
Logic doesn't seem to mind that I am fascinated by the love affair,
Still my heart would benefit from a little tenderness from time to time, but never mind,
Cause baby I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall in love,

Baby I should hold on just a moment and be sure it's not for vanity,
Look me in the eye and tell me love is never based upon insanity,
Even when my heart is beating hurry up the moment's fleeting,
Kiss me now, Don't ask me how,
Cause Baby I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall,
Baby I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall,
And I would never tell if you became a fool and fell in Love.

Jerry's Record of The Week
Sweet Dreams - Beyonce

(Turn The Lights On)
Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you
When i close my eyes
I’m going out of my head
Lost in a fairytale
Can you hold my hands and be my guide

Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
And I hope it rains
You’re the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream am is this?

You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you

I mention you when I say my prayers
I wrap you around around all of my thoughts
Boy you're my temporary high
I wish that when I wake up you’re there
To wrap your arms around me for real
And tell me you’ll stay by side

Clouds filled with stars cover your skies
And I hope it rains
You’re the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream is this

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where,
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you

Tattoo your name across my heart
So it will remain
Not even death can make us part
What kind of dream is this?

You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you
Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love's too good to be true
My guilty pleasure I ain't going no where
Baby long as you're here
I’ll be floating on air cause you're my,
You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you

Temi's Record of The Week
Gloria - Mando Diao

Well now
She don't need to see the sun ahead
don't need that help from God above
If you're losing her don't be sad
Cause she will offer you heart attacks

She's tired of problems that
you caused her mind
Tired of all those lies in your freak show
Tired of being alone at night
Being the lowest cat on earth

So Gloria steps out of the prison
Gloria's no longer the wasted disco girl
you've been dreaming about

Gloria alone now forever
Gloria away in the air now
Gloria she's no longer your slave, noo

Ooh ooh ooh

It's time for you to see yourself
All the misery you brought up
Gloria's one day ahead
Watching you from the heaven's gate

She's tired of problems that
you caused her mind
Tired of all those lies in your freak show
Tired of being alone at night
Being the lowest cat on earth

So Gloria steps out of the prison
Gloria's no longer the wasted disco girl
you've been dreaming about

Gloria alone now forever
Gloria away in the air now
Gloria she's no longer your slave

She's no, no longer your slave
No, no, not anymore
she's no, no longer your slave
No, no, not anymore
she's no, no longer your slave
No, no, not anymore

So Gloria steps out of the prison
Gloria's no longer the wasted disco girl
you've been dreaming about

Gloria alone now forever
Gloria away in the air now
Gloria she's no longer your slave

No, not anymore
No, no, no, not anymore No, no

Tiara's Record of The Week
Good Morning - John Legend

Good morning,
Good morning love,
It's my favorite love song,
I waited all night long,

Before you get into the shower,
Before you worry about your hair,
Baby give me one more hour,
I want you to stay right there,
I don´t wanna lose a moment,
I don´t wanna miss a kiss,
If I could plan the
perfect day, love,
Then I would start it
just like this,

Good morning,
Good morning love,
It's my favorite love song,
I waited all night long,
For morning,
Good morning love
Before we start the day dear,
I´m whispering in your ear,
Good morning.

Now baby how can I commence you,
I'll make it so you can't resist,
Whatever else you have to do now,
It can't be half as good as this,
I'll case you underneath
the sheets, love,
And I won't let you get away,
The day won't be complete, love,
Unless we get a chance to say,

Open your eyes,
See my son rise,
I feel you're scared, ...
Day breaks so sweet,
When you're next to me,
So stay each night,
So each morning will be,

Let's get lost together,
I will smile forever [x2] ,
Was morning

Yuyun's Record of The Week
Suka-Suka - The Changcuters

kasih hatiku janganlah kau bermuram durja
lebih baik bersepeda mengitari kota suka suka

kasih hatiku hilangkanlah semua duka lara
lebih baik bersepeda mengitari kota suka suka 2x

kasih hatiku janganlah kau bermuram durja
lebih baik bersepeda mengitari kota suka suka 3x

kasih hatiku hilangkanlah semua duka lara
lebih baik bersepeda mengitari kota suka suka 3x

lalalalala...lalalalala..( suka suka )

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