English Teletalk, next edition..

Your hobby traps you!

Hobby(s) is meant by enjoyable activity. It refers to an activity engaged in for pleasure and relaxation during spare time. Meaning that, our hobby should always bring much pleasure and enjoyment for us. It is absolutely sure that we do the activity, as we call it as hobby, because we do love to do it. It is impossible for us to let ourselves spending time but getting nothing from it. At least, our hobby brings some exciting inside us. Moreover, when our hobby can be the ‘machine of money’ and helps us much, that will be much greater!

The problem is, when people are coming into their hobby too deep, can we still call the activity as hobby?

As one example, you are keen on reading book. You read a lot everyday. You hate if someone disturb you reading. You seem to not care about the situation around - for example when your mom calls you and asks you to buy something for kitchen stuff, you pretend to be dumb or maybe you are really dumb since you let yourself sink into the book! – So dangerous, right!

The other example, especially from the latest phenomenon I notice lately, many boys – even men! – are crazy about futsal. I just wonder how they could do a very big sacrifice just for spending time playing futsal. One of my friends even left his class that he should have taught just for playing it! Gosh, what a great power of futsal – I uttered in my heart. Tragically (it is too much?), he even didn’t repent himself had a warning from the boss because he left the class without having permission. Just because of futsal, ladies and gentlemen. Imagine it! He had really been trapped by his hobby.

I myself actually used to be trapped by my hobby which today is still my hobby. I used to loving surfing the internet, browsing many things here so much interesting, right? Agree or not, you must agree. No denial, I think. Why I say that I was trapped? – or am? Yeah, because since I face my face to the square screen full of interesting stuffs, I must grant myself wearing glasses, the minus glasses. Besides, I also found that my purse was getting ‘thinner and thinner’ everyday since I must pay Rp. 3000,- per hour to browse internet. Even sometimes, I let myself to be late doing pray! Gosh, how bad I was – and am!

So, referring to those examples, what would you do when you notice that your hobby actually traps you? How would you overcome the problem? Have you ever had the same experience as I stated above?

Come on, make your commentary to this blog, or check English Teletalk out in Volare 103,4 FM on Sunday 3 – 4 pm. On air your opinion, and share with us. There will be an interesting souvenir for you who can make the atmosphere of the studio warmer even just by telephone! Call to 0561-734161 or send your opinion by SMS to 085650818018 at the time we broadcast.

Wanna be the guest speaker? Why don’t you enroll your name soon?

Call to 0561-7001645 and we will arrange the time for you.

See you on Sunday, in English Teletalk.

.diNie hazel.

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