Nah, kan hujan lagi...

hari ini minggu, 17 Juni 2007

Saya siaran 2 x niy hari ini
Tadi pagi, Sunday Morning Jukebox, sama wawan... Telponnya rusak, tapi thanks God karena siarannya tetep asik ahahaha... *Dasar bang wawan orang gila*

Truwz, barusan abis siaran English Teletalk, sendirian aja...
Gilaaaa, bosen banged deh. Saya ngobrol ndirian tentang


Saya ngopi kata-kata di blog saya, yang juga saya kopi dari articlecity:

1. You know he or she will be there for you no matter what happens.

2. If you start to fall, they will catch you.

3. If you are cold, they will warm you.

4. If you need a hug, their arms will enfold you.

5. If you need a soft word, theirs is the one you will hear.

6. If you need a laugh, they have a joke.

7. No matter what you need, you know they will be there, and they know the same about you.

"The chief lesson I have learned in a long life is that the only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him; and the surest way to make him untrustworthy is to distrust him and show your distrust."

That actually, it is not that easy to trust someone, that's right...
Even trust ourselves is not so easy thing to do, just bcoz we are not accustomed to do that...


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