The JUKEBOX, is it the LAST?

I my self just wonder whether it's my last broadcasting of what we call as REGULAR Jukebox or not. Frankly speaking, I do still want to broadcast in this' nice' program. But what I can do? By next month, exactly August the first, I'm gonna leave that "regular" Jukebox, maybe for about a year. But, I still hope that I can accompany my fans *hah? do i have any fans?* in Jukebox when I have my holiday. Wish my friends will be willing to share their schedule or at least, I can replace them when they can't go broadcasting *how poor I am being a 'replace' broadcaster!*.

Well, anyway broadcasting today is much fun. Eventhough I can't concentrate a hundred percent, but I enjoy today. Hmm, hopefully it's not really the last, because I myself actually still don't know the schedule of mine next month.

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